Home / Recipes / Potato Coconut Therattipal

Photo of Potato Coconut Therattipal by Yasmin Shabira at BetterButter

Potato Coconut Therattipal

Yasmin Shabira
60 minutes
Prep Time
40 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Potato Coconut Therattipal RECIPE

A delicious dessert made with the unusual combination of potatoes and coconut

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Dinner Party
  • Simmering
  • Dessert

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. big size potatoes : 2
  2. thick coconut milk : 1 cup
  3. raw rice : 1/4 cup
  4. Ghee : 1/2 cup
  5. sugar : 200 grams
  6. cashews : 5
  7. Raisins : 5
  8. cardamom powder : 1/2 teaspoon


  1. Boil potatoes, peel the skin and mash them
  2. soak rice in water for 1 hour
  3. in a Blender add the mashed potatoes and soaked raw rice
  4. add one cup of water and blend into a fine paste
  5. add ghee in a heavy bottomed vessel
  6. and cashews and raisins fry until they become into a golden brown colour then keep it aside
  7. in the same pan add the grounded paste and coconut milk and mix well
  8. keep on mixing it with a spatula for 20 to 30 minutes until the mixture becomes like a halwa
  9. it may take around 30 minutes for that mixture to get halwa consistency
  10. once the right consistency is reached, add in the sugar and keep on mixing with the spatula for 10 more minutes
  11. Add two more teaspoons of ghee if needed
  12. once the sugar dissolves completely, Sprinkle cardamom powder and garnish with fried cashew and raisins then switch off the flame
  13. That's all... The delicious potato coconut therattipal is ready...

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Mani Kaur
Mani Kaur   Jul-26-2018

Nice one.

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