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Photo of Bhakharwadi rolls by Dhara Shah at BetterButter

Bhakharwadi rolls

Dhara Shah
20 minutes
Prep Time
25 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Bhakharwadi rolls RECIPE

Bhakarwadi is a delicious sweet and spicy crispy Maharashtrian snack. These refined and gram flour dough spirals are filled with a sweet-spicy mixture of coconut, poppy seeds and sesame seeds and then deep fried till crisp. Making them is a little time consuming but you can store them in an airtight container for a couple of days.

Recipe Tags

  • Festive Fun
  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Diwali
  • Maharashtra
  • Frying
  • Snacks

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Refined Flour, 1 cup
  2. Gram Flour,3/4 cup
  3. Saltto taste
  4. Turmeric powder,3/4 tsp
  5. Red chilli powder, 3 tbsp
  6. Oil1 tbsp + to deep fry
  7. Poppy seeds, 1/4 cup
  8. Sesame seeds,1/4 cup
  9. Dry coconut grated, 1/2 cup
  10. Ginger chopped,1 tbsp
  11. Green chillies chopped3
  12. Coriander powder,1/2 tbsp
  13. Cumin powder,1/2 tbsp
  14. Asafetida,1/4 tsp
  15. Fresh coriander leaves chopped,2 tbsp


  1. Mix together refined flour, gram flour and salt in a bowl. Add turmeric powder, red chilli powder and oil. Add sufficient water to make a stiff dough. Cover with a damp cloth and keep aside.
  2. Dry roast poppy seeds and sesame seeds separately. Dry roast grated dry coconut. In another bowl mix chopped ginger, chopped green chillies, coriander powder, cumin powder, red chilli powder, turmeric powder.
  3. Add roasted spices and mix well. Add asafoetida, chopped coriander leaves and salt. Mix well.
  4. Divide the dough into eight equal portions. Roll out thinly. Apply some water on the surface and spread a portion of the stuffing mixture. Roll into flutes.
  5. Rub into sesame seeds and place the flutes in the steamer basket and steam for twenty minutes. Cool the flutes slightly.
  6. Heat sufficient oil in a kadai and deep-fry the pieces on medium heat till golden brown and crisp.
  7. Drain onto an absorbent paper. Serve hot or at room temperature.

Reviews (3)  

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Annam Shri
Annam Shri   Nov-01-2016

Amazing one dhara

Varsha Mehta
Varsha Mehta   Oct-31-2016

very fine test

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