Home / Recipes / Amarnath Cinnamon Rolls

Photo of Amarnath Cinnamon Rolls by Insiya Kagalwala at BetterButter

Amarnath Cinnamon Rolls

Insiya Kagalwala
60 minutes
Prep Time
25 minutes
Cook Time
6 People
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ABOUT Amarnath Cinnamon Rolls RECIPE


Recipe Tags

  • Non-veg
  • Medium
  • Kids Birthday
  • American
  • Whisking
  • Baking
  • Accompaniment
  • Low Carbs

Ingredients Serving: 6

  1. Amarnath flour 1 cup
  2. Whole Wheat Flour 1 cup
  3. Flour 1 cup
  4. Milk 1 cup
  5. Egg 1
  6. Instant yeast 1 tbsp
  7. Sugar 3/4 cup
  8. Butter 50 gms
  9. For the filling:
  10. Butter 4 to 5 tbsp
  11. Cinnamon powder
  12. Brown Sugar 1/2 cup


  1. Take the flours and sieve them.
  2. Take the milk heat it
  3. In the milk add yeast and 1 tbsp sugar and whisk it.
  4. Let it bloom for 10 to 15 mins
  5. Take the flours add melted butter and egg and the yeast mix
  6. Make a dough,it will be be sticky
  7. Knead the dough for 8 to 10.mins
  8. Oil it and keep it in a warm.place to rise in double
  9. Once the dough has doubled.Flatten it and make a rectangle shape
  10. Apply butter, sprinkle the cinnamon and brown sugar
  11. Picture when sprinkling the sugar
  12. Roll the dough and slice it and place it in the tray
  13. Let is rise for the 2nd time
  14. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20 to 23mins
  15. Brush with milk wash
  16. Enjoy warm
  17. Can add glaze but I skipped

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Sheetal Sharma
Sheetal Sharma   May-22-2017

Cinnamon Rolls my fav!

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