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BetterButter Secrets | 7 Frying Hacks To Get The Crispiest Snacks

By Ruchira Hoon

Show me one person who doesn’t like something crispy and I’ll change the way I skin a pomegranate, I promise. Most times, crispy equals deep fried – potato chips, cutlets, okra, schnitzels, pakodas, fritters, you name it, there’s just something so satisfying about eating a deep fried snack.

Unfortunately, we don’t always get the frying right. And the crispy goodness turns out to be limp and unappetizing. With these hacks, you’ll get the perfect fry each time, every time. Read on to learn those tricks

Know your oils: Find out the smoking points of the oil you choose and how it tastes. Choose the wrong oil, and chances are you’ll end up with food that’ll taste super strange. One of the best oils to peanut or canola as it tastes neutral and has a high smoking point.

Clean your oils: Strain, re strain and then use your oil. The lesser the impurities in your oil the better chances of it making your food soggy.

Don’t crowd that pan: The fewer things you put in to fry, the less the temperature will drop of the oil and the more crisp it will get.

Use a wok or a kadhai: This ensures that you have way less splatter and that you can turn that tasty morsel for 360 degree crispness.

Dry quickly: As soon you remove what you’ve fried from your wok, dry on a paper towel quickly. This way you’ll remove excessive moisture and retain crispness.

Temperature control: Maintain the temperature of your oil for best possible results. Too hot would mean too soggy, too cold would mean too oily.

Season well, season often: Season as soon you drain and dry what you’ve fried. Salts will retain the crispness and will seep into your goodies.

If you’re looking for more crispy and deep fried here, click here on BetterButter.