Home / Recipes / Homemade cream cheese Fruit Cocktail Parfait

Photo of Homemade cream cheese Fruit Cocktail Parfait by PV Iyers Kitchen at BetterButter

Homemade cream cheese Fruit Cocktail Parfait

PV Iyers Kitchen
5 minutes
Prep Time
0 minutes
Cook Time
3 People
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ABOUT Homemade cream cheese Fruit Cocktail Parfait RECIPE

My kids never like the flvour of readily avaiable cream cheese, and many of my recipes call for it, after a lot of trials and experiments came up with an easy but 3 day process to make homemade cheese with our regular curds. This is a very yummy dessert and also easy to prepare. With only a few ingredients required, you can pull of a classy dessert for parties and get togethers. (Perfect for any parties) Make it one day early and stack in refridgerator to set and get all your friends amazed with the beauty.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Kitty Parties
  • Fusion
  • Whisking
  • Chilling
  • Dessert
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 3

  1. 1/2 cup Home made cream cheese from yogurt
  2. 1/8 cup Condensed milk or more to adjust sweetness
  3. 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  4. 3/4 cup whipping cream chilled
  5. 3/4 canned fruit cocktail, drained well


  1. I prepared my cream cheese by home made regular curd. I hung it in fridge for 12 hours. Then I mixed a pinch of salt and stored it in a ramakin, pressing it tightly inside the ramakins. I covered hung curd with a piece of plastic sheet cutout and kept heavy jar that fits in ramakin. I left this in fridge for over 2 days. When I removed I got creamy home made cream cheese. (Missed to take further pics)
  2. In a bowl beat chilled whipping cream till stiff peaks
  3. In a separate bowl beat cream cheese, condensed milk and vanilla extract.
  4. Fold this in whipped cream, gently.
  5. Fill this mixture in piping bag.
  6. In a serving glass or bowl. Fill 1/4 With fruit cocktail.
  7. Then pipe the cream cheese filling.
  8. Again layer some more fruits
  9. Thrn pipe in desired pattern. I used a rossets nozzle and piped pocky stars. Kept one cherry in centre.
  10. Refridegrate to set for some hours or until serving time

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Shikha Roy
Shikha Roy   Jul-04-2018

I will surely try this.

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