Home / Recipes / Creamy Green mutton tikka With white sauce

Photo of Creamy Green mutton tikka With white sauce by Godil Nush at BetterButter

Creamy Green mutton tikka With white sauce

Godil Nush
30 minutes
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Creamy Green mutton tikka With white sauce RECIPE

The name itself shows how delicious this dish would be. this recipe is not for calorie conscious people but I believe Its completely okay if we want to try something creamy and cheesy once in a while.

Recipe Tags

  • Non-veg
  • Medium
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Boneless motton pieces 1/2 kg
  2. Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp
  3. Green chilly paste 2 to 3 tsp
  4. Salt to taste
  5. For preparing masala..
  6. cashew paste 2 tsp
  7. Butter 1 tbsp
  8. Curd 1 cup
  9. Cream 1 cup
  10. chicken 65 masala 3 tsp
  11. black paper powder 1/2 tsp
  12. Green chilly paste 2 tsp
  13. Bbq sauce 1 tsp
  14. Green food color
  15. Salt to taste
  16. charcoal for dhungar
  17. For Garnishing..
  18. White sauce
  19. Cheese
  20. mayonnaise
  21. Coriender


  1. Boil motton pieces with ginger garlic paste, green chilly paste, salt and Little water. After motton is 98% cooked burn all the remaining water and switch off the gas.
  2. Take all the ingredients mentioned under "preparing masala". Add boiled motton pieces into it and cook it on medium flame till the mixture tastes perfectly cooked and thick. Give charcoal smoke to this.
  3. Now take out all the cooked motton pieces out of the thick gravy and skew the motton pieces in skewers.
  4. For more smoky and yummy flavor you can put those skewers directly on flame. I did it and gave a little burnt look which literally came out more tasty.
  5. Now take a oven tray. spread foil paper on it. put the left over masala in which we cooked our motton pieces. Put skewers on the masala. spread white sauce on top then great cheese and then little mayonnaise. Garnish with coriender. Bake it on 200 degrees for abt 10 minutes till cheese melts. Its ready. Enjoy... ;)

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Seema Sharma
Seema Sharma   Aug-28-2018

Thanks for sharing this recipe.

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