Home / Recipes / Gooseberry pickle

Photo of Gooseberry pickle by Alka Munjal at BetterButter

Gooseberry pickle

Alka Munjal
10 minutes
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
6 People
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ABOUT Gooseberry pickle RECIPE

Gooseberry pickle is very healthy and tasty .

Recipe Tags

  • Easy

Ingredients Serving: 6

  1. 500gram aamala (Gooseberry)
  2. 1/2cup mustard oil
  3. 2spoon fenugreek seeds
  4. 2spoon fennel seeds
  5. 2spoon cumin
  6. 2spoon mustard seeds
  7. Salt as taste
  8. 1/2spoon red chilly powder
  9. 1/2spoon turmeric powder


  1. Cut gooseberry into small pieces .
  2. Take a pan add water add water and boil it . Take a strainer put aavla and steam it for 6to 7 mintues .
  3. Take a pan add fenugreek seeds, fennel seeds,cumin and mustard seed and roast for 3to4 mintues and grind the masla .
  4. Take a pan add mustard oil and start heating .
  5. Add grinded masala and saute for 2mintues at low flame add salt , red chilli powder,and turmeric powder and mix
  6. Add steamed gooseberry and mix cook for 5mintues and remove from flame .
  7. Cool down pickle and keep it into a jar .
  8. Serve with chapati .
  9. Enjoy

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