Home / Recipes / Spicy nutty stuffed baked mushrooms

Photo of Spicy nutty stuffed baked mushrooms by Archana Srivastav at BetterButter

Spicy nutty stuffed baked mushrooms

Archana Srivastav
20 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Spicy nutty stuffed baked mushrooms RECIPE

Stuffed mushrooms is an easy and quick snacks . which doesn't require much cooking skills. You can choose the spices herbs and stuffing according to your taste. I have used cheese, gelepeno ,paneer ,walnut in my stuffing. And i used sprig syracuse multipurpose spice bend instead of any herb and seasoning in very small amount . This is Spice blend is a form of Fruity floral and fiercy spices with hotness of chili pepper and nutmeg and with the flavour of different Herbs and richness tomato. Which gives my mushrooms really very good tasty yummy spicy nutty flavour.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Dinner Party
  • Spanish
  • Baking
  • Sauteeing
  • Appetizers
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Large sized mushroom 1 pack
  2. Butter2 tablespoon
  3. chopped onion 2 tablespoon
  4. Chopped garlic 1 tablespoon
  5. Grated cheese 2 cups
  6. Cream cheese 1 tables spoon
  7. Jalepeno 2 tablespoon
  8. Chopped walnut 2 tablespoon
  9. Chopped cottage cheese 2 tablespoon
  10. Bell pepper one tablespoon
  11. Syracuse Spice blends 1 tablespoon
  12. chopped parsley one tablespoon
  13. Grated Mozzarella 1 by 1/3 cup
  14. Salt to taste
  15. Black pepper one teaspoon


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degree°F.
  2. Remove stems of all mushrooms set aside all mushroom caps
  3. Now chop the stems of Mushrooms. And keep aside
  4. Now take a book melt butter over medium heat
  5. Add garlic in it soute it.
  6. Now add chopped onion stir continuously.cook for 2 minutes
  7. Now add chopped Jalapeno chopped mushroom stems chopped paneer chopped walnut and mix well cook for 5 minutes stirr continuously
  8. Now take out in a bowl add cream cheese, half grated cheese, chopped parsley and pepper and mix well
  9. Now at Syracuse Spice blend in it and mix well
  10. Now fill all mushroom caps with Syracuse blend mixture
  11. Now place mushroom in a baking tray
  12. Sprinkle Mozzarella cheese and remaining grated Parmesan on lined up mushroom ready for baking
  13. Bake Mushroom for 20 minutes until they turn golden brown and cheese starts ooze the outs.
  14. Sprinkle parsley on it
  15. Served hot

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Madhusweta Panda
Madhusweta Panda   Jun-27-2019

Mouth watering.. I made it without cheese.. and replace cream cheese with curd..

Manvi Chauhan
Manvi Chauhan   Sep-26-2017


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