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10 Best Immunity Boosting Fruits That Can Benefit Your Body

10 Immunity Boosting Fruits That You Must Eat For Staying Healthy

Every now and then we have been reminded by our elders to eat healthy foods like fruits, green vegetables and many more. More than anything else, fruits can do wonders in preventing your body from certain diseases and thus boosting your immunity. Various citrus fruits like oranges and other fruits such as kiwi, apples and many more which are rich in fiber and vitamins are great for our body. As fruits form an integral part of a balanced diet, eating them throughout the year in any form becomes important. Eating these fruits on a regular basis will not only boost your immunity but will also ensure your overall well-being. While some fruits are extremely delicious in taste, there are fruits on the other hand which you should eat for their nutritional value. So, here is a list of immunity boosting fruits that you must consume.


10 Immunity Boosting Fruits For Staying Fit And Fine

There is no other way than eating the right diet to boost your immunity. As it is your immune system that can protect you from a number of diseases and infections, it is important to strengthen your immune system. Follow this guide which tells all about the fruits that are beneficial for your body in different ways.

1. Kiwi

Kiwi is a super fruit that is loaded with tons of nutrients and vitamin C. These very nutrients make kiwi important in boosting your immunity. Kiwi is also great for digestion and thus eating them becomes a must. The presence of antioxidants makes kiwi useful in keeping your body away from certain diseases. Besides, boosting immunity you can also eat them if you are facing problems of hypertension.

2. Papaya

Papaya is one of those fruits whose wonder is known to all of us. Both papaya leaves and their fruit are useful in nourishing your body. It is a rich source of vitamin C and also contains a digestive enzyme, papain. Papaya also contains anti-inflammatory properties and minerals like potassium, magnesium, etc. All of these nutrients benefit your immune system in a very promising manner. So, do not forget to include papaya in your daily diet.

Also read: Lesser known Indian fruits to include in your diet


3. Citrus Fruits

When it comes to immunity boosting fruits, citrus fruits are one such category that you cannot miss. Containing an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and a lot more, citrus fruits are very essential for almost all of us. Citrus fruits like oranges, lemon, etc are rich in vitamin C, and thus boosts the immune system in an effective manner. So, stock these citrus fruits at home and eat them on a regular basis.

4. Watermelon

This summer special fruit is so delicious that we love eating it. Isn’t it? Not just the taste, but watermelon is also important due to its health profile. This sweet refresher is also a low-calorie fruit loaded with minerals, antioxidants, and Vitamins like A and C. You can make a number of recipes with watermelon like watermelon salsa, watermelon popsicle and many more. So, make these delicious recipes and enjoy the watermelon benefits for your overall well being.

5. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is yet another fruit that is considered a healthy fruit. It is one of those fruits which helps in increasing the blood platelets very effectively. It can be consumed both in raw form or in different recipes. Pomegranate is also has a good content of vitamin A and E and has other nutrients too. These nutrients are helpful in fighting against several types of illness and keeping you healthy.

Must read: Why should you have fruits every day?


6. Apples

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Heard of this popular saying? Indeed, apples are one such fruit with a lot of health benefits.

Apples are great for your body as it contains a lot of fibers and natural sugar. Apples also contain a flavonoid, quercetin, which is very important for boosting your immune system. It even reduces inflammation. So, reap the benefits of apples and keep the doctor away.

7. Pears

Another fruit that carries both taste and health benefits are pears. They are so juicy that you can never have enough of them. The presence of vitamin C boosts the immune system and other nutrients benefit your body in different ways. They also contains a lot of fiber and potassium that keeps your body functioning. So, make the best use of this delicious fruit.

Also read: These fruits are your best friend on a diet


8. Guava

The presence of antioxidants and vitamin C in guava makes it a super fruit. These nutrients are a good source to boost the immune system of your body. And increasing immunity means your body gets the energy to fight against a number of infections or health ailments. You can enjoy this healthy fruit both in its raw form and even use it in a lot of recipes. Enjoy eating this delicious fruit regularly and keep benefiting your immune system.

9. Grapes

Wondering about more fruits that can boost your immune system? Then, do not forget grapes to the list of immunity boosting fruits. This juicy fruit is not only everyone’s favorite but carries health benefits too. They contain essential vitamins like Vitamin A and C and are even low in calories. All in all, eating grapes will benefit your body and delight your taste buds at the same time. Isn’t that great?

Must read: Fruits & Timings: Best time to eat various fruits


10. Blueberries

Blueberries are also a good source of nutrients and contain antioxidants. They are even wrapped with a natural antihistamine that protects your body from the symptoms of flu. And the presence of flavonoids strengthens your body by boosting the immune system. So, include blueberries in your diet and stay fit and fine always.

So, eating these healthy fruits are very important for your body.  Along with eating these fruits, also take essential care of your body to protect it from different diseases and infections.


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