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BetterButter Recipes | 6 Iced Teas You Need To Make This Summer

By Ayushi Prakash

Come summer, we’re always trying to find ways to hydrate ourselves. Yes, water will do the trick, but something refreshing is what the mind craves.

A tall frosty glass of iced tea is a perfect example. While you can buy the packaged drinks off the shelves, making iced tea from scratch at home can be a game changer. Brewing your own tea allows you to control the sweetness and the strength of your drink and lets you add many flavours that compliment the drink. Add in some ice, you know you’ve made a friend for life. Check out six ways to make this amazing drink:

Hibiscus-Rose Iced Tea Cooler – This crimson coloured treat is a welcome sight on a hot summer day. The sweet lemony notes will refresh your mind and soul. The slight tart taste of the hibiscus is well balanced by the sweetness of the rose syrup. Hibiscus will boost your metabolism and assist you in your weight loss attempts as well!

Orange Iced Tea – The perfect way to bottle a sunny day up! This orange infused iced tea is a must for citrus lovers. Oranges have a wealth of nutrients, the soluble fibers help lower cholesterol levels and it is excellent for you skin too.

Watermelon Iced Tea – Summer is synonymous with watermelons; it is the go-to fruit when the mercury starts to rise. Choose the freshest watermelons, your favourite tea blend and you are set. The water content of this fruit will keep you hydrated and active for long.

Lemon and Mint Iced Tea – Hydrate yourself like never before with this lemony thirst quencher. The goodness of lemon and mint makes this iced tea your perfect summer companion. Replace sugar with some good ol’ honey and you are in for a guiltless treat.

Mango Iced Tea – The only way you can never go wrong is the mango way! This succulent fruit oozing with nectar is the perfect addition to your iced tea. With a hint of mint, this drink will send your taste buds into overdrive.

Lime Iced Tea – This classic refresher is made with plenty of limes and lime zest to give the tannins in the tea a good kick. Sweet and totally thirst-quenching, this drink is a breeze to put together.