HomeLifestyle20+ Fathers Share What Their Daughter’s Boyfriend Did That Made Them Love...

20+ Fathers Share What Their Daughter’s Boyfriend Did That Made Them Love or Hate Them

Sticky Fingers

“My daughter told our family about Max, her new lover. He appeared attractive and polite at first. Everyone was happy, but not me. There was something about him that made me feel uneasy. When we were all sitting down to supper one evening, Max excused himself to go the bathroom. With an innocent smile in his eye, my father learned in as soon as he exited the room.

You know, I was quite the detective back in the day,” he said. Max is hiding something, I found out after doing some research on him. We all leaned in closer, eager to hear the juicy details. My father went on, “Do you remember that nice watch I lost a long time ago?” I tracked it and found that it had fallen into the hands of a gang that steals from families and resells their belongings for a profit. Max seems to be associated with them and has been looking through the house for the next item to steal, in my opinion.”



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