HomeLifestyle20+ Fathers Share What Their Daughter’s Boyfriend Did That Made Them Love...

20+ Fathers Share What Their Daughter’s Boyfriend Did That Made Them Love or Hate Them


“I’d always thought my daughter’s boyfriend was strange, but I wasn’t sure why. He invited me to have dinner at their apartment one day. There was an odd odor in the air when I stepped in. He led me into the dining room, where my pale and nervous daughter was sitting already. I took a seat and observed as the boyfriend of my daughter pulled out a tray with a silver lid.

He lifted it unexpectedly to reveal a tarantula that had been deep-fried. It was incredible to me. He wanted to show us about his culture and informed me that it’s quite popular in his own Thailand. We were not going to eat that in any manner. We ordered a pizza instead. That’s the last time I let him cook for us.”



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