HomeLifestyle20+ Fathers Share What Their Daughter’s Boyfriend Did That Made Them Love...

20+ Fathers Share What Their Daughter’s Boyfriend Did That Made Them Love or Hate Them

Mumble and Grumble

U/Nilesong: “Here, dad…When the boy arrived at my door, he gave me a half-a—-shake and muttered “right.” He informed me that he was a member of the Arsenal junior team. I believed there was no way after playing around with him because of his flat feet. Claimed to have scheduled engineering interviews with Audi. Days, weeks, and months passed, and all I got in return from this toe rag was a grunt or a garbled mutter.

Along with feeding and housing him, my wife and I drove his family to the airport. He never gave me even half a l—-, and my wife never received anything more than a bouquet. After the six years we had to endure, she and him are no longer together. She’s with this lovely boy now; he asks me how I am and looks me in the eye. He appeals to me.”



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