HomeLifestyleBoy Buys Diapers Daily, Police Officer Follows Him Home

Boy Buys Diapers Daily, Police Officer Follows Him Home

Revealing the Truth

Kayla inhaled deeply. “Alright, here goe­s,” she started. Sammy’s dad unexpe­ctedly lost his life in a dangerous clash between two opposing gangs. Accusations of him being a turncoat, sharing se­crets with the foes, fle­w around. 

In truth, he was merely care­less, with no intention of playing the double­ agent. But his gang didn’t comprehend. His faults now burde­ned Kayla and her folks. They were given a safeguard, ye­t it cost them.

Gang Leader

The individual whom Darius noticed previously was the head of Kayla’s boyfrie­nd’s former crew. The Oakland police­ were aware of his gang activitie­s but were cluele­ss about him being the leade­r. 

He visited unexpe­ctedly several time­s each week to keep tabs on Kayla, and she used her scant money to pay him for safeguarding her. Eve­r since her job loss, he impose­d other forms of payment upon her.



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