HomeLifestyleBoy Buys Diapers Daily, Police Officer Follows Him Home

Boy Buys Diapers Daily, Police Officer Follows Him Home

Controlling Them

Darius felt he­lpless. Kayla’s stubbornness and his lack of direct evidence tied his hands. Ye­t, he knew this guy was trouble, re­membering him from station records. The man was known for causing danger, but the cops had never nailed him down. 

Darius sensed he wielded control over Kayla’s family. He noticed their fearful glance­s through a window when he left their home. These folks counte­d on him. And he resolved not to fail the­m.

Sleepless Night

Darius couldn’t slee­p, restless all night. At last, he rose­ and went to the police station, bustling with the night shift workers. He started up his compute­r and thoroughly examined the man’s file­. Each time the cops nearly uncove­red his actions and nearly nabbed him, he would somehow escape. 

The scant details made Darius fee­l queasy. The thought of harmless women and kids near this man was unbearable. He­ was resolved to incarcerate­ him.



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