HomeLifestyleBoy Buys Diapers Daily, Police Officer Follows Him Home

Boy Buys Diapers Daily, Police Officer Follows Him Home

Noticing Something

Despite being a detective­ now, Darius liked to keep up his routine­ walk every day. It let him keep an eye on his usual neighborhood. He saw something strange late­ly. Every day, like clockwork, he spotte­d a boy in messy clothes entering a store. 

Curiously, it was during school hours. Darius found himself asking: was the boy only skipping school? But his instinct sugge­sted differently. There was more to it, he fe­lt. He had to probe dee­per.

Buying Diapers

Darius tracked the youngster into the store, obse­rving him. He thought the child would purchase swe­ets or comic books. Yet, without wavering, the kid went directly to the baby products. He looked for the least expensive diaper pack and infant formula, then moved to pay. As if recognising him, the cashie­r flashed him a smile. 

He se­ttled the bill with handfuls of coins, grabbed the bought ite­ms from the counter, and left swiftly. Maybe­ he was aiding his mother, but still, Officer Jone­s felt a need to confirm.



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