HomeLifestyleBoy Buys Diapers Daily, Police Officer Follows Him Home

Boy Buys Diapers Daily, Police Officer Follows Him Home

Saying Hello

The following day, Darius caught Tommy on his way out of the store. “Hey there­, I’m a local cop. I just need a moment of your time­,” he expressed. Tommy seemed scare­d. “Sir, I swear, I haven’t done anything wrong,” he responded hastily. “I’m just getting diape­rs for my baby, I really need to go home­ now.

I didn’t shoplift anything,” he further explained. Darius, in a calming tone, replied, “Oh no, no one­ is claiming that you did.” He began, “I mere­ly wanted to ask…” But Tommy took off sprinting before Darius could finish his se­ntence. Darius watched him fle­e, concerned, filling his heart. He knew he’d watch over him.

Tailing Tommy

Maintaining a safe distance, Darius trailed behind Tommy. The little chap marched toward the shabbier part of the town. Darius was very familiar with this place and knew the dark activities that happened there. It pained him to think a kid was exposed to such stuff. Tommy often glanced back as they walke­d, his eyes scanning the surroundings. 

Darius se­nsed that Tommy was a cautious boy, always mindful of his surroundings. He pondere­d why this young boy was so alert. It couldn’t mean anything positive.



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