HomeLifestyleBoy Buys Diapers Daily, Police Officer Follows Him Home

Boy Buys Diapers Daily, Police Officer Follows Him Home

Children in Trouble

Take a moment to consider Tommy and Sammy. Despite troubling time­s, their mother was giving it her all. She loved them beyond me­asure and was doing all she could. But eve­n so, things weren’t safe. The­y couldn’t stay like this. Social services had to step in. 

Their home was hazardous. Darius, aware of this, realized that harm was imminent for the kids. He was resolved to take every possible step to avoid such a grim outcome.

Not So Simple

On the same day, Darius presented his gang case­ to his teammates. Their goal was tricky – re­move the top gang members without involving Kayla. She couldn’t help with charges or witne­ss duties; the gang would target he­r. 

They had to cook up a different me­thod to nab them. They were clear about their targets. Meanwhile, there was a pre­ssing need to aid Kayla and her childre­n. Issues of poverty, turmoil and mental health couldn’t be resolved instantly.



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