Home / Recipes / Oreo strawberry cheese cake

Photo of Oreo strawberry cheese cake by Ruchi Chopra at BetterButter

Oreo strawberry cheese cake

Ruchi Chopra
10 minutes
Prep Time
60 minutes
Cook Time
6 People
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ABOUT Oreo strawberry cheese cake RECIPE

It's delicious dessurt ,sweet, salty and Sour in taste just try it

Recipe Tags

  • Egg-free
  • Easy
  • Dinner Party
  • Chilling
  • Dessert
  • Egg Free

Ingredients Serving: 6

  1. 1and half packer Oreo biscuit
  2. 100 gm butter
  3. 1 packet strawberry
  4. 1 packet cream cheese
  5. 2 cup whipping cream
  6. 1/2 cup powder sugar
  7. 1/4 tap venila essence


  1. Firstly crush oreo biscuits and blend it to make powder and then add melted butter and mix well
  2. Take a cake pot and cover with foil and spread Oreo mixture and press it and keep aside
  3. Take a pan heat it now add fine chopped strawberry and cook on low flame Now add 1 tbsp powder sugar and stire well and cook few minutes and cool it down
  4. Take a bowl put cream cheese, venila essence and blend it and add powdered sugar and again blend it ,
  5. Now add whipped cream and mix well
  6. Now cut in square piece and top up with strawberry sauce and garnish with mint leaves
  7. Serve chilled and enjoy it

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