Home / Recipes / Vegetarian Pasta Salad Recipe Using Sprig Italian Spice Blend

Photo of Vegetarian Pasta Salad Recipe Using Sprig Italian Spice Blend by Paarulz Kitchen at BetterButter

Vegetarian Pasta Salad Recipe Using Sprig Italian Spice Blend

Paarulz Kitchen
15 minutes
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Vegetarian Pasta Salad Recipe Using Sprig Italian Spice Blend RECIPE

Spices have always fascinated me since I entered into my kitchen and this collection of spice blend by SPRIG is really amazing.Tried some of there products and I would say they really take your dish to another level. Just use your culinary skills and best ingredients by SPRIG and I am sure your family and guests will love everything that comes out from your kitchen. Recently I was approached by the team to collaborate with SPRIG and develop recipes using their products.Here the challenge was to create a dish using ingredient from them. I received SPRIG GENOA - Italian Spice Blend. It is a beautiful blend of Italian herbs and spices which instantly add amazing flavors to your dish. Made this vegetarian pasta salad recipe.This classic vegetarian pasta salad is packed with lots of fresh vegetables and Italian herbs which makes it both nutritious and delicious.This recipe is easy to whip up with whatever veggies you have on hand topped with Italian herb dressing. I am using SPRIG GENOA- Italian spice blend to make this salad. This recipe bring Italy right into your Kitchen :)

Recipe Tags

  • Tossing
  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Everyday
  • Italian
  • Salad
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. 1 cup - dry pasta
  2. 2-3 tablespoon- olive oil
  3. 1 zucchini, cut into cubes
  4. 1 cup - broccoli, cut into small florets
  5. 1 cup - bell peppers, cored and diced into cubes (i have used yellow bell peppers here)
  6. 1 cup - cherry tomato cut into half or regular tomato, cut into bite size pieces
  7. 3 cloves garlic - peeled and minced
  8. 1/2 small red onion, peeled and thinly sliced
  9. 1 teaspoon SPRIG GENOA Italian Spice blend (to make dressing)
  10. 1/2 cup - Italian herb salad dressing
  11. Salt and pepper (as per taste)
  12. 3/4 cup - black olives
  13. Grated Parmesan cheese -for topping (optional)


  1. Cook the pasta according to the package directions.Rinse it with cold water for 20 - 30 seconds. Drain well and keep aside.
  2. Meanwhile, when your pasta is cooking. In a non stick pan heat 1 tablespoon of oil on medium heat. Add zucchini and broccoli florets and saute for 3 minutes, stirring continuously.
  3. Add the remaining oil to the pan, and add bell peppers, tomatoes and garlic. Sprinkle generous amount of salt and pepper. Stir to combine well. Cook for another 4-5 minutes, stirring continuously till the veggies are cooked properly. I like
  4. Now add sliced red onions and saute for another one minute. Stir well.
  5. Once the pasta and vegetables are cooked.keep them aside.
  6. n a large salad bowl, combine the pasta and veggies drizzle with Italian herb salad dressing(Recipe in notes).
  7. Toss until the pasta and veggies are evenly coated with dressing.
  8. Before serving toss it with black olives and some parmesan cheese if you’d like .

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Deepika Rastogi
Deepika Rastogi   Sep-15-2017

Tasty as well as healthy.

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