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Photo of Cheesy beetroot pasta by Pina Raval at BetterButter

Cheesy beetroot pasta

Pina Raval
20 minutes
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Cheesy beetroot pasta RECIPE

Boil beetroot after peeling skin grated, added with white sauce and baked with lot of cheese, onion, tomato, chilly. Oregano, chilli flakes and pepper and onion, tomato gravy. Have you tried before?

Recipe Tags

  • Easy
  • Everyday
  • Italian
  • Sauteeing
  • Main Dish
  • Egg Free

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. 2 bowls boiled Pasta
  2. 1 Beet root boiled, peeled and grated
  3. White sauce- 2 bowls
  4. Oregano- 1/4 tsp
  5. Chilli flakes
  6. Salt
  7. Grated cheese
  8. Tomato slices- a few
  9. Onion slices- a few
  10. Green chilly-1
  11. Tomato-2
  12. Olive oil 2 spoon
  13. Onion-1


  1. First boil pasta, drain excess water and keep it a side. Make onion and tomato gravy by chopping both and sauteeing in a little oil.
  2. Now take olive oil in a pan add oregano, and make white sauce with Maida and milk and salt by stirring properly, add boiled pasta, grated beetroot and cheese in it and turn off the gas.Add salt, chilliflakes and pepper and tomato, onion gravy in it. (optional) Now in oven baked this ready pasta with onion, tomatoes slice, green chilly and garlic cloves. Grate more cheese on top and bake in oven preheat at 180.bake for 15to 20minutes.
  3. Serve hot. And enjoy different taste of cheese beetroot pasta

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