Home / Recipes / Snow Balls in Shahi White Curry

Photo of Snow Balls in Shahi White Curry by Zulekha Bose at BetterButter

Snow Balls in Shahi White Curry

Zulekha Bose
0 minutes
Prep Time
60 minutes
Cook Time
3 People
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ABOUT Snow Balls in Shahi White Curry RECIPE

This Snow balls in shahi white gravy goes well in a typical Sunday evening when you want to get away with all reddish(spicy) gravy. The white in the night indeed will look like a snow ball falling.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Hard
  • Dinner Party
  • Simmering
  • Whisking
  • Blending
  • Boiling
  • Sauteeing
  • Main Dish
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 3

  1. Full cream cow milk 1 litre
  2. Lemon juice 2 tablespoon
  3. Salt 1/4 teaspoon
  4. Cardamom powder 1/4 teaspoon
  5. For white shahi gravy-
  6. Onions 2, cut into thin slices
  7. Cashew nut 3 tablespoon
  8. Poppy seeds 2 tablespoon (soaked in hot water)
  9. Green cardamom 2 numbers
  10. Cinnamon 1 stick (1 inch)
  11. Cloves 2 numbers
  12. Black Peppercorns 6-7 numbers
  13. Bay leaves 2 numbers
  14. Green chillies 2 numbers
  15. Red chillies 3 numbers
  16. Coriander powder 1 teaspoon
  17. Curd 1 cup
  18. Milk 1/4 cup
  19. Salt to taste
  20. Butter 2 tablespoon
  21. Oil 2 tablespoon


  1. Bring milk to boil,reduce the flame to sim now add lemon juice.
  2. Stir with the help of spoon after some time you can see milk will start curdling.
  3. In a prefarably big bowl sieve it over a clean muslin cloth.
  4. Pour some cold water over chena to stop further cooking .
  5. Once the sieving is done gently grab the four corners and squeeze the excess water and tie it over a tap for 20-30 minutes.
  6. Once chena is set put it in a plate and knead it further from back of your hand til your palms feels oily.
  7. Add salt and green cardamom powder and knead the chenna dough to mix all the ingredients.
  8. Once the kneading is completed cover it with a moist cloth for another 10 minutes.
  9. Make small size balls approximately 10-12 balls.
  10. Boil water in a big deep vessel and slowly add all the chena balls and cover the lid.
  11. Chena balls should be cooked on high flame
  12. In another 15 20 minutes ball will enlarge to double .
  13. This is the time to turn off the flame.
  14. This is the pictorial representation of chena balls after it cools down for 20 minutes.
  15. Soak poppy seeds in generous amount of hot water for 5 minutes and make a fine paste out of it.
  16. Take a pan Boil onion slices and cashews in 1/2 cup water until onions turns transparent
  17. Make a fine paste of boiled onions and cashew.
  18. Mix both poppy seed paste with onion and cashew paste.
  19. Heat butter and oil in a kadai to a smoking point reduce the flame. .
  20. Add bay leaf, black pepper corn, cinnamon stick, green cardamom,green chillies, red chillies, cloves and sautey until nice aroma start coming
  21. Add coriander powder and sautey until raw smell of coriander disappears.
  22. Add onion ,cashew and poppy seed paste, fry for a minute .
  23. Now add 1/8 teaspoon pepper powder and salt to taste.
  24. cook til the oil comes on top.
  25. Add 1 cup curd and 1/4 cup milk to the gravy.
  26. Blend nicely on a low flame with a whisker,make sure it should not curdle.
  27. Cook until oil start separating from the gravy.
  28. Add ready chenna balls into the ready white shahi gravy.
  29. Cook fo another 2 minutes adjust the salt and take out in a serving bowl.
  30. Yours Snow balls in shahi white gravy is ready enjoy with butter naan, kulcha or with jeera rice.

Reviews (2)  

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Ayushi Goel
Ayushi Goel   Jul-17-2017

Nice recipe!

Dhara joshi
Dhara joshi   Jul-17-2017

Wow..easy n wholesome shahi recipe with all spices:yum::yum:

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