Home / Recipes / Walnut Pound Cake with chocolate chunks

Photo of Walnut Pound Cake with chocolate chunks by Zeba f lari at BetterButter

Walnut Pound Cake with chocolate chunks

Zeba f lari
15 minutes
Prep Time
35 minutes
Cook Time
6 People
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ABOUT Walnut Pound Cake with chocolate chunks RECIPE

A delicious super soft, moist pound cake with eggs

Recipe Tags

  • Medium
  • Kitty Parties
  • Whisking
  • Baking
  • Dessert

Ingredients Serving: 6

  1. Maida 1.5 cup
  2. Sugar 3/4 cup
  3. Butter 3/4cup
  4. Baking powder 1tsp
  5. Salt 1/4 tsp
  6. Vanilla essence 1.5tsp
  7. Eggs 3
  8. Milk 3 tbsp
  9. Walnut 1/4cup
  10. Chocolate chunks 1/2cup


  1. Heat oven at 175c
  2. Mix milk, egg, vanilla essence in a bowl and mix it well
  3. Sieve dry ingredients together (Maida, Salt, baking powder, sugar)
  4. Add half of egg mixture and butter and mix and add leftover mixture too
  5. With hand blender mix well
  6. Add chopped walnut and chocolate chunks
  7. Mix again
  8. In a greased cake tin pour the batter and put few chocolate chunks and walnut on top
  9. Bake till skewer comes out clean in middle

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