Home / Recipes / Baked curd pudding

Photo of Baked curd pudding by Anupama kamra at BetterButter

Baked curd pudding

Anupama kamra
10 minutes
Prep Time
12 minutes
Cook Time
3 People
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ABOUT Baked curd pudding RECIPE

A very heathy dish , rich in minerals and vitamins which can be taken in pregnancy throughout

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Dinner Party
  • European
  • Baking
  • Dessert
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 3

  1. 200 g condensed milk
  2. 200 g curd
  3. 200 g Amul cream
  4. Mango or pineapple essence
  5. Fresh fruits chopped
  6. 5 spoons Muselli
  7. Stars, choco chips, silver balls, cherry for garnishing


  1. Take curd and cream in a bowl. Mix and whisk for 2 minutes
  2. Add condensed milk slowly and mix well. Add essence
  3. Transfer the mixture into small bake bowl. Don’t fill the bowl overloaded as there should be proper space for fruits.
  4. Preheat oxyFryer for5 minutes preferably 120’C and after arranging the bowl in fry basket close it properly and keep the fryer at 150’C for 10-15 minutes.
  5. After opening the air fryer we should check that mixture should shake but stay together firm.
  6. Keep in the fridge for 2 hours to set.after the dessert is set arrange the fruit and garnish according to your taste.
  7. You can also present it by adding fruits and nuts muselli and topping the baked curd with the fruits over it.

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