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Photo of Signature restaurant style chicken fried rice by Ashel Sandeep at BetterButter

Signature restaurant style chicken fried rice

Ashel Sandeep
90 minutes
Prep Time
40 minutes
Cook Time
3 People
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ABOUT Signature restaurant style chicken fried rice RECIPE

This is signature fried rice recipe by my mom. Absolute favourite among the family. We never have fried rice except from home.

Recipe Tags

  • Non-veg
  • Medium
  • Everyday
  • Chinese
  • Stir fry
  • Sauteeing
  • Main Dish
  • Gluten Free

Ingredients Serving: 3

  1. Long grain basmati 2 cups
  2. Carrot minced 50 grams
  3. Beans minced 50 grams
  4. White onion minced 50 grams
  5. Spring onion 1 bulb
  6. Capsicum minced 50 grams
  7. Cabbage shredded 100 grams
  8. Shredded boiled chicken 50 grams
  9. Egg 3 scrambled
  10. Pepper powder 1/2 TSP
  11. Soya sauce 1/2 tbsp
  12. Garlic pods 4
  13. Sesame oil
  14. Salt to taste


  1. Chop all the veggies very finely and keep it ready and next to the stove.
  2. Scramble the eggs and keep next to the veggies along with the soya sauce and pepper powder.
  3. Take a wok and heat it on high flame..
  4. Take 2-3 tbsp of sesame oil. once the oil is hot , add garlic pods. Stir it well.
  5. This is just to add a flavour to the oil, once it turns brown colour ,take it out.
  6. Saute minced onions, 30 secs
  7. Followed by finely shredded cabbage and stir fry for 2-3 mins
  8. Now add the boiled shredded chicken and stir it for another 2 mins.
  9. Add chopped carrots and beans together. give it a good stir for 3 mins
  10. Now it's spring onion into the wok.stir for a minute.
  11. Finally, add chopped capsicum and give it a good stir for 1 minute.
  12. Add soya sauce, pepper powder and salt.. swirl n toss the veggies for 4-5 times.
  13. Add the boiled rice. Now mix it well and finally add the scrambled eggs and stir for 2 minutes on high flame .
  14. It is very important to follow the order in which veggies are added and sauted. Please don't change the order as it will change the whole taste of the fried rice.

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Payal Singh
Payal Singh   May-22-2018

I really want to try this.

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