Home / Videos / Andhra Sajappalu / Sojappalu/Halwa stuffed pooris


Andhra Sajappalu / Sojappalu/Halwa stuffed pooris

Swathi Joshnaa Sathish
75 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
7 People
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ABOUT Andhra Sajappalu / Sojappalu/Halwa stuffed pooris RECIPE

Sajappalu is a traditional Andhra sweet which is most famous among the natives . Sajappalu is offered to Lord Ganesha during Ganesh Chathurdhi. These delicious halwa stuffed pooris are prepared during every occasions and festivals . An age old recipe being passed on to generations .

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Festive
  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Roasting
  • Boiling
  • Frying
  • Snacks
  • Dessert
  • Breakfast and Brunch
  • Egg Free

Ingredients Serving: 7

  1. For dough :
  2. All purpose flour 1.5 cups ( 1 cup equals 150ml )
  3. salt one pinch
  4. Ghee 1 tablespoon
  5. Water to knead 1/2 cup
  6. For Halwa :
  7. Semolina 1 cup
  8. Brown sugar 1 cup
  9. Water 3 Cups
  10. Ghee 3 tablespoons
  11. Chopped almonds fistful
  12. Cardamom powder 1/2 teaspoon
  13. Other Ingredients :
  14. Ghee extra for greasing purposes
  15. Oil for Deep frying


  1. Take 1.5 cups all purpose flour in a bowl ( 1 cup =150ml).
  2. Add a pinch of salt .
  3. Knead the flour by adding water gradually to a smooth dough .
  4. Drizzle 2 teaspoons ghee on the dough . Cover and rest for an hour minimum . I prefer Overnight .
  5. Heat 1 tablespoon ghee in a wide pan .
  6. Gently roast 1 cup semolina until aroma releases . Don’t fry till brown .
  7. While roasting the semolina in a low flame ,
  8. make sure you boil 3 cups water in another sauce pan.Add 1 cup brown sugar to the roasted Rava.
  9. Now add the boiling water to the roasted Rava and sugar .
  10. Keep stirring semolina to ensure there are no lumps formed . Slow cook till semolina is done .
  11. Add 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder .
  12. When semolina firms halwa consistency , add 2 tablespoons ghee gradually .
  13. Add fistful chopped almonds .
  14. Mix all in low heat until halwa rolls over the ladle to achieve perfect consistency. Cool halwa.
  15. Now make small balls ought of the dough .
  16. Flatten the ball as shown using fingers .
  17. Take a spoon cooled halwa and place it on the flat dough .
  18. Seal ,roll to smooth ball .Grease your fingers with ghee so balls become smooth.Repeat steps on
  19. rest .Heat oil in a pan for deep frying . Heat the oil in low heat . Don’t go for high flame .
  20. Now on a ghee greased plate, spread the stuffed balls with fingers like obbatlu/ poli .
  21. The pooris should be medium thick and small . Now drop the stuffed pooris in the medium hot oil .
  22. Fry until rawness leaves . Don’t fry like ordinary poori till golden brown. Sajappalu should look
  23. light with a soft texture . They taste juicy .
  24. Delicious Andhra’s traditional sweet is ready .
  25. Serve warm or cold with extra halwa for delicious taste.

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Shikha Roy
Shikha Roy   Jul-05-2018

Thanks for sharing this recipe.

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