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Photo of Power packed Laddos by Ekta Bhatt at BetterButter

Power packed Laddos

Ekta Bhatt
45 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
6 People
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ABOUT Power packed Laddos RECIPE

It's a protine rich and no sugar laddos. Ideal for the breastfeeding moms, diabetes patients, dieting people and not to miss for the health concious people as well.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Gujarat
  • Stir fry
  • Dessert
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 6

  1. Coconut 2 nos
  2. Almonds 100 grams
  3. Pistachios 100 grams
  4. Milk Powder 200 grams
  5. Chia seeds 1 tbsp
  6. Milk 2 tbsp
  7. Ghee 2 tbsp
  8. Khadi sakar Powder 3 tbsp
  9. Butterscotch essance 1 tbsp
  10. Cardemom powder 1 tbsp


  1. First, mix the chia seeds and milk. Keep it aside and allow it to rise. The chia seeds works just like our basil seeds/takmaria. You can use that too instead of chia seeds. As it has a cooling property, it's good to be used in summer.
  2. Crush the almonds and pistachios in mixer. The consistency can be a soft powder or half crush. I like the half crushed one. So, I did that.
  3. Crush the cardemom and khada sakar separately.
  4. Shred the coconut with the thin shredder. Make sure you prepare for rest all ingredients before the coconut. It will keep the coconut juicy which will enhance the taste.
  5. Heat ghee in a pan and put coconut to it. Put the flame at the lowest.
  6. After mixing it thoroughly, add almonds, pistachios and milk powder.
  7. Add khada sakar powder to the mixture. This also has a cooling property so good to be used in summer
  8. now add the butterscotch essance and cardemom powder to it
  9. add the chia seeds
  10. - now remove it from gas and allow it to cool a little bit and start making laddos out of it.

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