Home / Recipes / Coconut patties in flower bouquet

Photo of Coconut patties in flower bouquet by Chandu Pugalia at BetterButter

Coconut patties in flower bouquet

Chandu Pugalia
20 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
6 People
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ABOUT Coconut patties in flower bouquet RECIPE

I made this desert in my way .it come ouy beautifully with crunch of seasme seeds creamyness of coconut healthy fruits

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Festive
  • Dessert
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 6

  1. 1/2. Cup coconut powder
  2. 2 tbsp nuts powder(almond,pista,and cashew)
  3. 2 tbsp milkmaid
  4. For patty---
  5. 1/2 cup white seasme seeds
  6. 1 cup mava
  7. 1/2 cup suji
  8. 1/2 cup powder sugar
  9. 1 tsp cardmon powder
  10. Green,red,orange and yellow food colour


  1. Roast sesame seeds and transfer in plate
  2. Roast suji and also transfer it in plate
  3. Roast mava and transfer in suji bowl
  4. When sesame seeds cool make powder of it
  5. And add in suni mix
  6. Now add sugar and Cardmon powder
  7. Mix all of them and combine
  8. Make a dough of it
  9. Devide dough in four parts
  10. 1 tbsp in Three parts and remaining as fourth part
  11. Now mix green,yellow and orange in three parts
  12. And red in grnth part
  13. Now take a bowl and add coconut and nuts powder
  14. Add milkmaid and 1 tsp sugar mix all of them
  15. Take plastic sheet and sprinkle some icing sugar and roll down red dough
  16. Cut it with flower cookie cutter for flowers
  17. We need two pieces fir one flower
  18. Put filling on one part and spread evenly
  19. Cover with another part
  20. In same manner make leafs from green dough
  21. And butterflies from yellow and orange
  22. And assemble all of them
  23. Our sweet,lovely bouquet is ready

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Mani Kaur
Mani Kaur   Jul-25-2018

Simply awesome.

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