Home / Recipes / Idi Chakka Thoran / Raw Jackfruit Spicy Curry

Photo of Idi Chakka Thoran / Raw Jackfruit Spicy Curry by Subhashni Venkatesh at BetterButter

Idi Chakka Thoran / Raw Jackfruit Spicy Curry

Subhashni Venkatesh
10 minutes
Prep Time
30 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Idi Chakka Thoran / Raw Jackfruit Spicy Curry RECIPE

An awesome curry from the cuisine of Kerala with extraordinary taste, flavour and aroma.

Recipe Tags

  • Egg-free
  • Easy
  • Everyday
  • European
  • Boiling
  • Sauteeing
  • Side Dishes
  • Vegan

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Un ripened raw Jackfruit 1
  2. Fresh grated coconut 5 table spoons
  3. Garlic pods 5
  4. Red chillies 4
  5. Cumin seeds 1 tea spoon
  6. Turmeric powder 1/2 tea spoon
  7. Salt to taste
  8. Coconut oil 3 table spoons
  9. Mustard seeds and urad dal for seasoning
  10. Red chillies 2
  11. Curry leaves few


  1. Remove the stem on the top and cut the jack fruit into quarters.
  2. With a knife remove the skin and chop them into big cubes.
  3. Heat a pan with generous amount of water and add the chopped pieces to it with required salt and turmeric powder.
  4. While they get boiled in a blender jar add grated coconut, cumin seeds, red chillies, garlic and coarsely powder them. Keep aside.
  5. Wait till the jack-fruit pieces get boiled well to soft. Drain the water out and hold the pieces in a bowl.
  6. After they get cooled down roughly shred them with hand or a pounder. Keep aside.
  7. Heat a pan with coconut oil.Add mustard seeds, urad dal, red chillies, and wait till they splutter and dal becomes brown. Add the curry leaves and transfer the shredded jack-fruit pieces to the pan.
  8. Mix well and add the coconut mix to it and stir gently. The Idi chakka thoran is ready to serve now for lunch as side dish.

Reviews (2)  

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Shelly Sharma
Shelly Sharma   Feb-22-2018


Runa Ganguly
Runa Ganguly   Feb-19-2018

Looks yummy

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