Home / Recipes / Sev tamatar nu shak

Photo of Sev tamatar nu shak by Alifiya Akil at BetterButter

Sev tamatar nu shak

Alifiya Akil
0 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Sev tamatar nu shak RECIPE

An easy curry that can be made at home to be served with some roti, when you want something different for dinner.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Everyday
  • Gujarat
  • Frying
  • Sauteeing
  • Main Dish
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. 1 largr onion chopped
  2. 1 tomato large peeled and chopped finely
  3. Curry lraves 1 sprig
  4. 1 tsp Kashmiri chilli powder
  5. 1tsp saunf powder
  7. Salt to taste
  8. Sugar 1 tsp
  9. Turmeric powder 1 tsp
  10. oil 2 tbsp
  11. Half tsp cumin seeds
  12. Sev bhujia 1 cup
  13. Corainder leacea to garnish


  1. Take a wok to it add the cumin seeds . Curry leaves saute well till crackles .to it add the onions and saute till it's pinkish n color ..
  2. to it add the tomtoes and cook till tender and soft .once the oil starts floating on top add the masalas to it and cook further till the raw smells go away
  3. Just before serving add the sev bhujia and ganish with corainder and serve hot

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