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Photo of Home made spring roll sheet. by Alka Verma at BetterButter

Home made spring roll sheet.

Alka Verma
10 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
10 People
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ABOUT Home made spring roll sheet. RECIPE

Spring roll sheet sound intresting naa but it can be easily prepared at ur home and it is hygienic and whenever u required just prepare it and go with it.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Kids Birthday
  • North Indian
  • Roasting
  • Snacks
  • Low Fat

Ingredients Serving: 10

  1. Two methods
  2. 3/4 cup refined flour/ wheat flour
  3. 1/4 cup corn flour
  4. 1/4 tsp Salt
  5. 1 tsp oil
  6. water to knead


  1. Mix all the ingredients and make a soft dough out of it .keep aside this dough for 1/2 hr covered with cloth.
  2. After 1/2 hr again knead it to soft texture
  3. Divide this dough into 4 to 5 equal round balls.
  4. Roll all ball into chapati shape and keep aside.
  5. Now place one chapati on flat surface and apply ghee then sprinkle some flour over it and repeat the same process with all the chapatis.
  6. Now roll this bundle of chapati into a big one with the rolling pin.. meanwhile place ur tawa over the gas to medium hot..
  7. Place the chapati bundle over the hot tawa and heat it for 10 to 15 sec on one side and then flip it over to other side.
  8. Repeat the process till ur all sheets easily comes out clean .
  9. Then trim the edges and shape it into square or rectangular shape.
  10. Then place it into a ziplock bag into freezer . whenever u need take it out and use it.

Reviews (4)  

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Esther Samuel
Esther Samuel   May-22-2018

Thanks so much for sharing this one

Mathura Thiagarajan
Mathura Thiagarajan   May-22-2018

This is wonderful i had tried out triangle oniin samosa with thus sheet and it came out so well

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