
Home / Women Health / 10 Precautions you need to take after a Cesarean Section

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10 Precautions you need to take after a Cesarean Section

Priyanka Verma | March 24, 2018

Unlike a normal delivery, it takes much longer to heal after a cesarean delivery. A woman gets various stitches across her abdomen and thus her body needs time to recover. Most women recover within 4-6 weeks after delivery.

Here are some important precautions you need to take if you’ve had a c-section: 

1. Take Pain Medication

painkiller c-section english

You don’t need to prove your strength to anyone. If you’re experiencing pain, do take pain medication. Never ignore any signs of infection or fever.


2. Get Ample Rest

 rest c-section english

Rest as much as you can so that your body is able to recover faster. Sleep on your side as it would be uncomfortable to sleep on your back and stomach.


3. Start Walking within 24 hours

 walk c-section english

It might be painful but the sooner you start walking, the better it is. It will help in the long run.


4. Keep an eye on the Bleeding

 bleeding c-section english

Monitor your bleeding, also called lochia, after delivery. There should be a change in the consistency, color and amount of bleeding as time passes.


5. Eat a fiber-rich diet

 fiber c-section english

Consuming a fiber-rich diet is of utmost importance as it relieves constipation and gas. Avoid all kinds of junk and outside foods.


6. Take care of your wound

 clean wound c-section english

Maintaining hygiene around your wound is very important. Always wash your hands while inspecting your wound, to prevent any infections. Should you see any green liquid oozing out of the wound or redness around, you should contact your doctor without hesitation.


7. Refrain from doing strenuous activities

 no strenuous activity c-section english

Limit your physical activities to going to the loo and taking care of your baby. Do not overexert yourself as it will prolong your recovery time. Don’t start exercising too soon after delivery.


8. Beware of emotional imbalances

 negative thoughts c-section english

Most women experience an emotional imbalance after delivery. Feelings of depression and sadness can be a sign of postpartum depression.


9. Avoid wearing a maternity belt

 maternity belt c-section english

Your belly will get back to its original size on its own. Avoid wearing a maternity belt as it can increase the chances of contracting hernia later in life.


10. Position the baby’s cot near you

 baby cot near me c-section english

Placing the baby’s cot near your bed will make it easier for you check on the baby at night when he/she needs a feed.

A word of advice

Most doctors advise women to wait for a minimum of 6 weeks before having sex but it might take longer.

Image Source: chicco, versus technology,, isna, what to expect when you’re expecting, medstoreland, wikihow, tportal, india today

Priyanka Verma


Women Health


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