Home / Recipes / Sookhi daal with lauki

Photo of Sookhi daal with lauki by Geeta Virmani at BetterButter

Sookhi daal with lauki

Geeta Virmani
10 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Sookhi daal with lauki RECIPE

Sookhi daal with lauki is Uttarakhandi d

Recipe Tags

  • Easy
  • Everyday
  • North Indian
  • Sauteeing
  • Main Dish

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Peeled and chopped lauki ..1 cup
  2. Moong dhuli daal washed (not to be soaked)...1 table spoon
  3. Jhakhia ...1 tea spoon
  4. Green chillies 3
  5. Curry leaves 10
  6. Desi ghee...1 table spoon
  7. Salt to taste
  8. Turmeric powder....1/4 tea spoon


  1. Heat Desi ghee in a woke, add jhakhia seeds, cook it for a while, add Curry leaves and green chillies, slit vertically, cook it for a minute
  2. Add lauki pieces, washed daal, salt and turmeric powder with 2 table spoon of water, cover it and cook till everything is done
  3. Garnish only with green chillies
  4. Serve with lemon juice, black pepper powder (optional)
  5. Though this sabji tastes best with Desi ghee but can be skipped too and a dot of oil can be used to make it
  6. Jhakhia seeds are essential part of uttarakhandi cuisine.
  7. Jhakhia seeds are popularly known as ujla-hulhul/dog mustard/wild mustard

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Neema Bhardwaj
Neema Bhardwaj   Aug-27-2018

Simple yet delicious.

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