Home / Recipes / Honey glazed pla gra tiem

Photo of Honey glazed pla gra tiem by Mousumi Manna at BetterButter

Honey glazed pla gra tiem

Mousumi Manna
40 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Honey glazed pla gra tiem RECIPE

Its a Thai dish which requires very little time to cook and it tastes superb.One can have it either with Thai rice or hakka noodles.

Recipe Tags

  • Non-veg
  • Medium
  • Dinner Party
  • Thai
  • Sauteeing
  • Side Dishes
  • Low Fat

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. 3 tablespoons honey
  2. 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  3. 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  4. 2 small onions(cubed)
  5. 1 Green and 1 red bell pepper(cubed
  6. 1 clove garlic, crushed
  7. 1 bunch of lemongrass(shredded)
  8. 2 tablespoons pepper sauce
  9. 4 vetki fish fillets
  10. 4 tablespoons cornflour
  11. 2 teaspoons peppercorn
  12. 3 tablespoon olive oil
  13. Water
  14. Salt to taste


  1. Mix the honey, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar,crushed garlic,pepper sauce and a tablespoon of olive oil in a gallon Ziploc bag.
  2. Cut the fillets into medium pieces
  3. Salt and pepper(1teaspoon) the fillets, and place them in the bag.
  4. Seal and refrigerate for 20 minutes to marinate
  5. Mix the cornflour with little water in a bowl.
  6. Coat the fillets with cornflour paste after taking them out from the refrigerator
  7. Heat 2 tablespoon of olive oil in a large saute pan over medium-high heat.
  8. Fry the cornflour coated fish fillets for 4 to 6 minutes on each side;Keep them aside
  9. Reserve marinade.
  10. Temper rest of the oil with 1 teaspoon of crushed peppercorn in the oil
  11. Add the cubed onions,green-red bellpeppers and shredded lemongrass
  12. Pour the reserved marinade into it, heat and stir until it thickens to the right consistency
  13. Adjust the salt
  14. Place the fried fish into the gravy very carefully and fold them well.
  15. Switch off the gas oven after only 1 minute so that the crunchiness of the fish does not hamper.
  16. Serve hot.

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Ashima Singh
Ashima Singh   Aug-28-2017


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