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Photo of Honey Lava Cake by Pooja Misra at BetterButter

Honey Lava Cake

Pooja Misra
5 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Honey Lava Cake RECIPE

Honey Lava Cake is my version of using Honey in a very Healthy way. Honey is best if it is used in Raw State ( Unheated state ) in order to obtain maximum benefits. According to Ayurveda, Honey when heated to 40°C or above causes a negative chemical change that causes it to become bitter. Ayurvedic Principles warn that consuming honey that has been cooked,baked or added to hot liquid contributes to ill health over time.The reason behind it is..it becomes like glue when cooked. The molecules tends to adhere to mucous membrane in the digestive tract producing toxin called Ama..

Recipe Tags

  • Egg-free
  • Easy
  • Kids Birthday
  • Indian
  • Microwaving
  • Dessert
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. Marie Biscuits 1 packet (12-14 biscuits)
  2. Dark Chocolate melted 1/4 cup
  3. Honey 1/4 cup


  1. The Honey Lava Cake is made up of only 3 ingredients that is Honey,Marie biscuits and chocolate. .
  2. This can be a very Health Booster Dessert for Diabetics if Chocolate is being replaced by cocoa powder dissolved in milk.
  3. Let's start the procedure now. Take Dark chocolate compound in a bowl.
  4. Place it in a microwave in an interval of 20 seconds thrice or till chocolate melts.
  5. Now take a cup and place a polythene inside it
  6. In a mixcy jar, cruble all Marie biscuits.
  7. Transfer it to a bowl
  8. Add melted chocolate
  9. Mix everything
  10. Make Dough
  11. Flatten it and stick it to the sides of cup.
  12. With the help of your thumb press it.
  13. Make a cavity in between so that honey can be filled inside. Keep it in freezer for 2 minutes.
  14. Pour in honey
  15. Take another ball,flatten it. .cut into shape of cup rim. Keep in freezer for 2 minutes. Now apply some melted chocolate and stick the circle.. Again freeze it for 4 minute.
  16. Transfer onto serving plate and very slowly remove the polythene.
  17. Slice it.
  18. Yummilicious honey oozing out.. Enjoy..

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Ashima Singh
Ashima Singh   Aug-28-2017


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