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Photo of Whole Wheat Pizza by Krithika Chandrasekaran at BetterButter

Whole Wheat Pizza

Krithika Chandrasekaran
30 minutes
Prep Time
30 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Whole Wheat Pizza RECIPE

A simple-to-follow pizza recipe using whole wheat flour

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Kids Recipes
  • European
  • Baking
  • Main Dish
  • Egg Free

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. For the base: Whole wheat flour - 2 cups
  2. Instant Dry yeast - 2 tsp
  3. Sugar - 1 tsp
  4. Salt to taste
  5. Curd - 1 Tbsp
  6. Tomato sauce: Olive oil - 2 tbsp
  7. Tomato puree - 1 1/2 cups
  8. Salt to taste
  9. Chili flakes - 1 tsp
  10. Garlic Powder - 1 tsp
  11. Dried herbs such as oregano or any masala of choice
  12. Pizza Topping: Chopped Capsicum - 1 cup
  13. Sliced Onions - 1 cup
  14. Paneer cubes - 1/2 cup
  15. Grated Mozzarella cheese + any other extra cheese - as required


  1. Soak yeast in a bowl along with luke warm water, sugar and 1 tsp salt. Stir and leave aside for 10 minutes till it becomes frothy.
  2. Meanwhile sift together the flour and salt in a clean bowl. Make a well in the center and add the yeast mixture.
  3. Add 1 tbsp curd and knead into a soft but firm dough using sufficient water. Cover with a damp cloth and leave in a warm corner for about 1 1/2 hours or till it doubles in size.
  4. Take the dough on a floured counter and punch it lightly. Roll into a cylinder and divide into 6 equal portions. Roll the portions out into pizza bases of desired thickness. Prick all over gently with a fork.
  5. Bake the bases in the oven at 170-180 degree C for about 4-5 minutes (micro) or till half done.
  6. For the sauce - heat olive oil in a pan and add the tomato puree. Let simmer on low to medium flame for about 4-5 minutes. Add garlic powder, chili flakes, salt to taste and any other dry spice/masala you want to add.
  7. Spread about 1 tbsp sauce on the pizza base. Arrange the toppings leaving 1 cm space from the edges. Finally sprinkle grated cheese, you can be really generous here as a pizza without enough cheese isnt much fun!
  8. Bake at 200 Degree C in a pre-heated oven for 7-10 minutes or till the cheese melts and brown spots appear. Remove, cut into wedges and serve.

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Kushaali Devagupthapu
Kushaali Devagupthapu   Jun-02-2016

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