Home / Recipes / Pumpkin Parfrait Coconut whipped creme

Photo of Pumpkin Parfrait Coconut whipped creme by Rakhi Bhagat at BetterButter

Pumpkin Parfrait Coconut whipped creme

Rakhi Bhagat
60 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Pumpkin Parfrait Coconut whipped creme RECIPE

A fun twist on classic pumpkin pie: Creamy pumpkin mousse layered with fluffy coconut whipped cream and layer of sweet basil seeds.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Kitty Parties
  • Fusion
  • Whisking
  • Blending
  • Chilling
  • Sauteeing
  • Accompaniment
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Pumpkin 1/2 kg
  2. Milk 1 cup
  3. Sugar 100 gms
  4. Coconut whipped cream 250 gms
  5. Sweet basil seeds 2 tbsp
  6. Cherry few to garnish
  7. Sauted pumpkin pieces few to garnish
  8. Mint leaves few to garnish.
  9. Coconut scraps few to garnish.
  10. Dry fruits few to garnish


  1. Remove the peel of riped pumpkin ..Separate the seeds of it too..
  2. Grate the pumpkin ..
  3. Heat 1 tsp ghee in wok..Add grated pumpkin and saute for 10min on slow flame
  4. Now add 1 cup milk and 100 GM's sugar to the pumpkin and mix well...
  5. Keep stirring till all the milk evaporates and forms a thick consistency.
  6. Refrigerate it..
  7. You can take ready made coconut whipped cream or make on your own.
  8. To make coconut whipped cream,whip the solid portion of full-fat coconut milk into a tizzy, add a touch of sweeter and optional vanilla extract, and that’s it! It has a subtle coconut flavor that I adore paired with the pumpkin.
  9. Soak the sweet basil seeds in water for 10 min..
  10. Let's assemble.
  11. Transfer 2 scoopes of coconut whipped cream in each glass.
  12. Add 1 scoop of pumpkin mousse on whipped cream.
  13. Pour 1 tbsp sweet basil seeds in each glass forming layer in each glass..
  14. Garnish it with sauted pumpkins,cherries,mint leaves,coconut scarps.

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