Home / Recipes / Baked potatoes paneer with corn

Photo of Baked potatoes paneer with corn by kusum Gupta at BetterButter

Baked potatoes paneer with corn

kusum Gupta
10 minutes
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Baked potatoes paneer with corn RECIPE

A tasty recipe which can be liked by all age group.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Others
  • Fusion
  • Baking
  • Microwaving
  • Main Dish
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Half kg boil potatoes (smashed)
  2. 100 g corn [boiled]
  3. 200g paneer (chopped)
  4. 3 medium onions (chopped)
  5. 4 green chilli (chopped)
  6. 2 spoon curd
  7. 2 spoon lemon juice
  8. 1 spoon red chilli powder
  9. Salt to taste
  10. Coriander leaves garnish
  11. Half cup cream for garnish


  1. Take smashed potatoes in a bowl add half onions, green chilli,add red chilli powder,lemon juice and Salt to taste.mix it well .
  2. Take paneer in a bowl mix corn,onions,Salt, red chilli powder, green chill,and lemon juice mix it well.Take a container for baking &grease it well with oil or ghee.
  3. Put 1st layer of smashed potatoes as we have made in step and second layer of paneer with corn as we had made in second layer.
  4. After this all step put a good amount of cream decorate with a pinch of red chilli powder and after all this garnish with coriander leaves.
  5. Now it's time for baking Pre heat the microwave. put the tray with temperature 900 degree farenheit for 5 mins and in convection for 5 mins again . rest and serve.

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pallavi Ankit
pallavi Ankit   Jan-22-2017

I loved this respie

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