Home / Recipes / Homemade Chocolates For Diwali

Photo of Homemade Chocolates For Diwali by Pooja Misra at BetterButter

Homemade Chocolates For Diwali

Pooja Misra
120 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Homemade Chocolates For Diwali RECIPE

Easy homemade chocolates for that sweet craving.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Kids Birthday
  • Boiling
  • Dessert
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Cocoa butter or Coconut oil - 3/4 Cup
  2. Powdered sugar - 1 Cup
  3. Cocoa Powder - 3/4 Cup
  4. Milk powder - 1/4 Cup
  5. Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  6. White chocolate for making diyas - 1/2 Cup


  1. We will be making Chocolates by double boiler method.
  2. First of all fill up a bowl of water and put it on gas on low flame. Put an larger bowl on top of it. Make Sure that no steam of water comes in contact with our mixture of chocolate. If the steam comes in contact with our mixture then the mixture will get coagulated and will not get smooth consistency and as a result Chocolates will not form properly.
  3. In a bowl add butter and let it melt. As it melts, add in powdered sugar. Stir well so that sugar dissolves.
  4. Add in cocoa powder and milk powder. Mix well. Make sure there are no lumps. Batter should be smooth and of slightly runny consistency.
  5. Turn off the gas flame and add in vanilla essence. Let the mixture cool for sometimes.
  6. Now melt white chocolate in microwave and fill it in piping bag. Make a small hole at the tip of bag. Now take a mold. Fill in diyas with melted white chocolate carefully. Let mold set in freezer for around 4 minutes.
  7. Now take out the mold and fill in the chocolate mixture that we had prepared carefully into cavities. Cleanly fill in the chocolate mixture so that our Chocolates comes out neat and clean.
  8. Now Refrigerate the mold for at least 2 hours. After 2 hours demould Chocolates and serve.

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Sheetal Sharma
Sheetal Sharma   Jun-01-2017

looks so traditional...

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