Home / Recipes / Protein packed tawa bread chillas

Photo of Protein packed tawa bread chillas by Nandini Rathore at BetterButter

Protein packed tawa bread chillas

Nandini Rathore
15 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Protein packed tawa bread chillas RECIPE

Full of veggies , and still delicious combo of bread & savoury pan cakes.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Kids Recipes
  • Fusion
  • Roasting
  • Snacks
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Chickpeas powdered 4 cups
  2. French beans finely chopped 1cup
  3. 1 medium sized onion
  4. 4 green chillies
  5. 1 tomato
  6. Green corriander 8-10sprigs
  7. Asafoetida powder 2tsp
  8. Red chilly powder 1tsp
  9. Turmeric powder 2tsp
  10. Oil or ghee 4-5tbsp
  11. Salt to taste


  1. Arrange your ingredients .
  2. Get onions ,green chilles,tomatoes and green corriander chopped in mini chopper(Very useful device I got in a wild card entry win)
  3. Add salt ,Turmeric,asafoetida and red chilly powder to chickpeas powder.
  4. Secondly add all chopped veggies and make a batter of pouring consistency.
  5. Heat ceramic pan , pour a drop or 2 ghee and toast bread slice from one side .
  6. Pour the batter mixture over another side of slice.
  7. Now spray a little ghee over the battered side and flip them over to get cooked.
  8. Repeat the process for toasted side also like pouring the batter and cooking with little ghee.
  9. This recipe is hit among my daughters and I am sure that your kids will be liking it more.

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Manju Gupta
Manju Gupta   Jul-24-2017


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