Home / Recipes / Mushroom Corn Bake With Potato Hash

Photo of Mushroom Corn Bake With Potato Hash by Pooja Misra at BetterButter

Mushroom Corn Bake With Potato Hash

Pooja Misra
25 minutes
Prep Time
25 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Mushroom Corn Bake With Potato Hash RECIPE

A very healthy baked recipe where in i have used palak, corn ,mushrooms ,paneer. To make it more healthy, i have used potato hash instead of cheese

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Assam and North East
  • Baking
  • Main Dish
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Palak Puree of 250g palak
  2. Button Mushrooms 250g
  3. Spring Onion s 50 g
  4. Garlic 1 tbsp
  5. Boiled potatoes 2
  6. Salt
  7. Black pepper 2 tsp
  8. Mushroom Soup (knor)
  9. Milk 1 cup
  10. Paneer 1 cup
  11. Sweet corn boiled 1 cup
  12. Butter 2 tbsp
  13. Tomato sauce 1 tbsp
  14. Chilli sauce 1 tbsp
  15. Soya sauce 1 tsp
  16. Pizza Mazza 1 tsp
  17. Onion salt 1 tbsp
  18. Cheese 1/2 cup
  19. For making Potato hash
  20. Potatoes boiled 2
  21. Cream 2 tbsp
  22. Salt to taste
  23. Olives 2


  1. First of all wash the mushrooms and cut them into pieces
  2. In a pan .. add butter.. saute mushrooms .. add salt to taste. Add 1 tsp black pepper.. cook till tender ( nearly about 7 to 9 minutes.)
  3. In a mug.. take 1 cup milk and add in mushroom soup mix ( knor packet ). MIX AND KEEP ASIDE
  4. Take Palak..Wash them very well.Chop them. Boil water and add In palak. As the palak gets soft, immediately transfer the palak into cold water.
  5. Doing this... The fresh green color of the palak is retained.
  6. Puree it. Keep Aside
  7. In an another pan, add in 2 tbsp of butter.. add in 1 cup of spring onion white and saute.
  8. Add in garlic
  9. Add in spring Onion green.Mix it
  10. Now Add in Mushroom. Mix well.
  11. Now add in the palak puree,boiled sweet corns, paneer , cheese, mushroom soup mix.
  12. Add in salt,pepper,all the sauces and seasoning ..
  13. Mix well
  14. Add in a pinch of sugar.
  15. Now transfer the contents to a baking tray
  16. Making of Potato hash
  17. Grate the Potatoes.. Add in salt to taste and 2 tbsp of cream.. mix them very well with the base of your palm.
  18. Now fill this mixture into piping bag with a star nozzle.
  19. Now pipe the design of your choice on the baking dish.Garnish with olives.
  20. Bake it at 180℃ for around 25 to 30 minutes.. Then grill it for 8 minutes more so that our potato hash becomes brown.
  21. Serve hot with bread of your choice..
  22. Mushroom Corn bake tastes yummier with garlic bread ,.

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Shelly Sharma
Shelly Sharma   Jan-31-2018

I will surely try this.

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