Home / Recipes / Caramelized Wheat flour Halwa

Photo of Caramelized Wheat flour Halwa by Sujata Mishra at BetterButter

Caramelized Wheat flour Halwa

Sujata Mishra
120 minutes
Prep Time
30 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Caramelized Wheat flour Halwa RECIPE

This recipe is made from leftover dough of wheat flour, the same dough you make chapati from. A little time taking process but too delicious to eat. From the same process halwa, Barfi anything you can make

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Everyday
  • Frying
  • Dessert
  • Egg Free

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Leftover wheat flour dough 1cup
  2. White sugar 1cup
  3. Brown sugar 2tbs
  4. ghee 1/2cup
  5. Cardamom powder 1/2tsp
  6. Crushed cashew-1tbs
  7. Almond chopped 1/2tbs
  8. Chironji 1tsp
  9. Poppy seeds 1/2tsp
  10. Melon seeds 1/2tsp
  11. Water 3cups


  1. Add 2cups of water to the dough and keep it covered with a wet cloth for an hour.
  2. Mash the dough in hand so that smooth flour will mix and other particles will float.
  3. Now strain it .
  4. Again keep this water covered for an hour.
  5. Now some plain water will be seen on top.
  6. Throw that water and keep the wheat flour mix water aside.
  7. Now heat a pan take some ghee and str fry the dry fruits separately and keep aside.
  8. Now take around 1/4 cup ghee and add sugar and stir fry a little.
  9. Add a cup of water to this and let it boil.
  10. Add the wheat flour mix water and stir continuously.
  11. It will start becoming thick and jelly like.
  12. Switch off the flame.
  13. Keep some dry fruits for garnishing and mix the rest with this halwa.
  14. Now take a separate pan and add brown sugar.
  15. Swirl the pan in low flame and let it turn to Amber color
  16. Now add halwa to this caramelized sugar and stir continuously.
  17. Add the rest ghee little by little.
  18. Cook till the time the dough comes together and oil start separating.
  19. Set in a greased bowl and invert to a serving plate.
  20. Garnish with the rest dry fruits and serve it warm.
  21. You can set this and cut this if your desired shape too.

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Seema Sharma
Seema Sharma   Aug-30-2018

Nice one.

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